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Un OVNI au-dessus de Wittenberge


Nombre de messages : 7232

Un OVNI au-dessus de Wittenberge Empty Un OVNI au-dessus de Wittenberge

Message par Apollyôn Dim 29 Sep - 13:02

Three UFOs were videotaped over Wittenberge, Germany, on the night of Sept. 18, and reportedly clearly captured on a camera using full zoom and night sight capability.

While the person who came up with the video remains anonymous, the video was posted online by UFOFilesTV, which describes itself as "a new kind of UFO agency on YouTube. Our goal is to upload real UFO sightings because with today's modern computer technology, you can fake many things."

Un OVNI au-dessus de Wittenberge N-GERMANYUFO2013-large570

Clearly visible in the video are three objects, two of which are triangular-shaped and the third object is circular. As they move in relation with each other, the two triangles appear to individually rotate, and when they first approach each other, they seem to be repelled, as if they are opposite ends of a magnet or the way objects in early video games used to "bounce" away from each other.

The video has no clearly defind reference points, like the appearance of ground, trees, hills, buildings and, even, stars. At the end of the video -- and to the apparent surprise of the videographer -- one of the triangles takes off at incredible speed.

Is this a legitimate night vision video showing unexplained objects in the sky? Just because someone claims that night vision equipment was used to produce evidence of unknown aircraft, does that mean we should accept it as fact?

"The video has signs of night vision fakery," according to former FBI special agent Ben Hansen. "It looks like they added a night vision video effect with a green tint and even some 'grainy noise' -- the sparkling pixels which are common when night vision is shot in near complete darkness."

Hansen, the lead investigator of the Syfy Channel's "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" series, told The Huffington Post in an email that the triangular objects in the Germany video "are too defined. Although the latest night vision technology is very good, when we film in near total darkness, the most intensely lit objects typically give off a slight 'halo' or 'blooming' effect.

"Even if they were using older night vision technology, I would also expect the sky to be brighter and have more information for analysis."

Hansen provided HuffPost with the following example of what night vision should look like when filming aircraft or bright stars.

"Even with the best technology, a slight halo effect is detected," said Hansen. "All of this is consistent with a CGI effect being added [to the Germany video], instead of filming with true night vision."

And then there's this: Hansen found a second version of the "green" night vision footage showing the supposed UFOs at the same location and on the same date. These are seen on the right side of the image below.

According to Hansen, "It's the same video, but with a different audio track, zoomed in, and with a night vision software effect added. We're most likely dealing with the same hoaxer because they probably had access to the original CGI video in order to prevent significant video generation loss. I'm guessing they were conducting a little test to see which version received the most views."

Un OVNI au-dessus de Wittenberge O-GERMANYUFOCOMPOSITE-570

With all the technology readily available to the public, the problem of how to tell what's real or faked when it comes to UFO pictures or videos is growing. Hansen suggests another obstacle with UFO credibility issues on the Internet.

"Perhaps the trickiest aspect about the proliferation of alleged UFO evidence online is that many of them choose to remain anonymous," he said.

"Not only are they nameless 'witnesses', but the videos get reposted by so many users that it's sometimes impossible to determine the identity of the original videographer. This often makes the Internet a hoaxer's amusement park. They don't have to answer questions. They don't have to provide further details.

"This means they don't have to be very good liars."
source : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/27/ufos-over-wittenberge-germany_n_3990741.html

Nombre de messages : 7232

Un OVNI au-dessus de Wittenberge Empty Re: Un OVNI au-dessus de Wittenberge

Message par Apollyôn Jeu 3 Oct - 14:15

En français :

Nouvelle apparition mystérieuse dans le ciel européen. Il s'agit cette fois-ci de trois objets, filmésà l'aide d'un appareil de vision nocturne, qui effectuent des mouvements surprenants, s'attirant et se repoussant successivement. Jusqu'à ce que l'un d'eux s'éloigne à une vitesse fulgurante.

Les images auraient été tournées dans la nuit du 18 septembre en Allemagne, dans le ciel de Wittenberge, une ville située dans le Brandebourg, entre Berlin et Hambourg. La séquence a été réalisée avec une caméra équipée d'un système de vision nocturne qui permet de distinguer nettement le phénomène.

Trois objets peuvent être distingués. Deux sont d'une forme triangulaire - trois points lumineux encadrant un gros point lumineux central - et tournent sur eux-même. Le troisième que l'on distingue moins bien, semble d'une forme plus circulaire. Ces trois entités, animées d'un mouvement constant, évoluent avec une certaine cohérence.

Si l'OVNI circulaire semble autonome, les deux triangulaires sont en interaction permanente. On les voit ainsi se rapprocher lentement l'un de l'autre, puis se repousser mutuellement, à la manière de deux aimants dont on approcherait les pôles identiques. Le deuxième rapprochement débouche presque sur un contact, mais l'un des deux "triangles" s'éloigne à une vitesse vertigineuse.

Difficile de juger de l'authenticité ou non de cette séquence, postée par un vidéaste anonyme. De même, aucun référentiel n'apparait sur la vidéo, permettant de situer ces entités et d'évaluer plus correctement leurs interactions. Un spécialiste, interrogé par le Huffington Post, estime qu'il s'agit probablement d'un montage. Les images nocturnes, en particulier, lui semblent exagérément nettes. Même les plus modernes des appareils de vision nocturne ne peuvent s'affranchir d'un phénomène de halo. A suivre.
source : http://www.directmatin.fr/insolite/2013-10-01/video-le-ballet-ahurissant-de-trois-ovni-dans-le-ciel-allemand-568606
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