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Un OVNI photographié par Curiosity ?


Nombre de messages : 7232

Un OVNI photographié par Curiosity ? Empty Un OVNI photographié par Curiosity ?

Message par Apollyôn Jeu 30 Jan - 10:36

An amazing video has been posted to YouTube of the strangest object ever captured by a NASA rover as it photographed its environment, showing what looks like a spacecraft flying past, high in the sky, and leaving a distinctive vapor trail jetting from its tail.

What is it?

Un OVNI photographié par Curiosity ? 1400158726_1390928709

The video, posted by prolific UFO hunter Streetcap1 on Friday, has surprisingly few views. Perhaps it's because the channel has a dubious reputation for source material, with critics saying SC1 often fakes images for more channel views and subscriptions.

But, this time, there can be no doubt about the authenticity, unless NASA itself is in the UFO hoaxing business.

The image was published by the space agency recently and the UFO can be clearly seen trailing skywards in the right hand, upper corner.

In the original, the unidentified flying object doesn't look like much, being relatively smaller than the foreground photographed by the rover.

But, enlargement of the object reveals a spherical top cone, a rounded center mass and what looks like some kind of propellant ejecting from its tail.

Does Mars have its own space program?

If not, then what is this thing?

Un OVNI photographié par Curiosity ? FLB_442235847EDR_F0250000FHAZ00323M_

Source : http://www.bubblews.com/news/2178638-ufo-with-vapor-trail-sails-past-nasa-rover-on-mars-video

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Un OVNI photographié par Curiosity ? Empty Re: Un OVNI photographié par Curiosity ?

Message par Achim Jeu 30 Jan - 10:52

Le plus étonnant, c'est que la NASA ait divulgué le document, parce que cette apparition, montrant clairement un artefact, ne peut être confondu avec aucun phénomène naturel !

Peut-être faut il voir dans la publication de ce doc le premier signe d'une divulgation progressive, mais j'ai des doutes.

Attendons donc "l'explication" de la NASA...
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